Saturday, November 10, 2007

Week OF 10/29/07

We'll start with didn't suck: Claire's dad torturing the guy in Moscow by threatening to remove his memories. Clever. The only problem is that we have no idea why that guy was so reluctant to give up his information besides just because he's probably a team player for The Company. And we'll never know cause he gets shot in the face. Oh well. Back to what sucked.
The scroll reading this again. It was especially charming this week to start in the middle of an exciting action sequence of Hiro running through a camp with all hell breaking loose. Except that then the show decides to say stop, let's back up this story to when things got really exciting: the planning stages. Smart choice. This show needs more stalled story lines.
Oh, and come up with another pending disaster besides a destroyed New York City. Pretty sure that was covered in Season One. And poorly wrapped up.

1 comment:

Bradford J Kempington III said...

Fine, I'll bite...

Every time I see West on screen, I want to hit the creative team for Heroes on the nose with a tightly coiled newspaper.

I hate that they're reusing powers. Wow, Kensei and Claire have the same ability, but will likely be completely unconnected. Genetics sure likes to give magical powers randomly.

And last season...somehow a flying father and firestarter mother created a healing daughter.